Sunday, July 13, 2008

Driver’s Privilege Card, the auto insurance illusion and the stealth amnesty that it helps create.

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) + Driver’s Privilege Card + Mexican Consular Identification Card = Stealth Amnesty

All three are widely accepted in Utah for everyday transactions.

Gradually in several different states illegal aliens in this country are obtaining ID documents from those states or from foreign governments. Many states are starting to recognized these IDs that essentially legalize their presence inside the US and Utah.

Once in possession of these documents, the aliens can take part in business and government transactions they are not supposed to be able to conduct.The documents, in other words, constitute de facto amnesty, or stealth amnesty as various commentators have called it.

Let’s take a look at these documents and their effects.

Stealth Amnesty Document No. 1 is the matricula consular card issued by Mexican government to its citizens abroad.
The cards are supposed to entitle the Mexicans holding them to gain the help of Mexican consuls, but these days they have other applications.

Stealth Amnesty Document No. 2 is the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) card issued by the Internal Revenue Service.
Its purpose is to allow foreign citizens, who do business here to pay income taxes, but there are some 6 million ITINs in circulation, and as Rep. Tom Tancredo says, "The IRS, unfortunately, hands these cards out like candy. There are not 6 million foreign businesses here, so what's the purpose of these numbers?"

Marti Dinerstein of the CIS told a congressional subcommittee in June, "It is assumed that individuals who receive an ITIN and do not file taxes are using it as official U.S. government identification to obtain bank accounts, government services and, ominously, driver's licenses."

Stealth Amnesty Document No. 3 is the Driver’s Privilege Card, which the ITIN helps you get in Utah. Some states (six to be exact) also accept the ITIN for a driver license. The driver license of course enables you to prove you are a US citizen or a legal visitor. It allows the holder all the right afforded to citizens and legal residents, those right include driving, banking and accessing government services.

Stealth Amnesty Document No. 4 is in-state tuition, not exactly a document but still a legal privilege that eight states already grant to illegal aliens but deny to real Americans from other states.

Nine more states are considering granting the same privilege to illegals. Not only does this allow illegals to gain public education at Americans' expense but also helps normalize their presence within the country, which is what amnesty is all about.

The Utah Driver’s Privilege Card is modeled on Tennessee’s driver certificate program.
There is a growing disaster in the making with the practice of non-governmental acceptance of the Driver’s Privilege Card and its adverse affects. A legislative study is needed to understand the document fraud it perpetrates. Fake Utah Driver Licenses for those who refuse to get a Driver Privilege Cards.

Tennessee realizes its mistake
On 5/3/2007 The Tennessee House voted by a wide margin to eliminate the driver certificate program for people who aren't U.S. citizens.
Federal investigators last year found that some testing centers were selling licenses and certificates to out-of-state illegal immigrants. Tennessee suspended the program briefly, followed by new regulations that only allow certificates for people in the country legally.
The House approved HB 1827 to eliminate Tennessee’s driving certificate program. This bill was introduced at the request of the Governor's office, and would put into law what has been policy since February of 2006 when the certificate program was suspended for undocumented immigrants.

The Associated Press: The certificate law just kind of opened up a flood gate of everyone wanting to come here to get some sort of identification,'' said Knox County Sheriff Tim Hutchison, whose officers discovered 58 illegal immigrants used the same Knoxville address to get a certificate. Sounds like what was discover happening to the Utah driver license after the 2005 audit.

Utah 2005 Driver License audit report
Follow-Up of Sample Matching Driving Privilege (DP) Cards to Vehicle Insurance
Majority of undocumented immigrants with driver cards insured,5620,695247263,00.html
Hispanic Groups Oppose "Driving Card" In Utah
Man admits to shuttling immigrants from Ga. to get licenses