Sunday, July 13, 2008

Instate Tuition fiasco is illegal, perpetrating Identity theft and creating state sanction separatist student groups

We have shown in testimony by Professor Kris Kobach former counsel to the White House and to the US attorney general who came to Utah to address the Utah legislature on two separate occasions during two separate legislative committee hearings discussing the instate tuition repeal bills. He has shown that the current structure of the instate tuition law was clear the law is discriminatory to students from other states and in violation of federal immigration law, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRAIRA)

Under current immigration law, Utah high school graduates who entered the United States unlawfully cannot legally work in the United States either before or after they graduate from a college or university. If they voluntarily leave the United States, they will not be eligible to re-enter legally for a minimum of ten years.
If students unlawfully in the United States find a job either during the time they are attending college or after they graduate, they are violating immigration law. If they work for a reputable employer who requires the completion of an I-9 form, they will have to present a Social Security card and some other form of identification. Since they cannot legally obtain a Social Security number, they will have to commit document fraud, a felony, in order to get one and if they falsify they I-9, the will have committed yet another felony.
"Identity thieves are no respecters of age. They will steal your children's ID, ruin their credit and hurt them in ways never thought possible before they can graduate from grade school,"
says Attorney General Mark Shurtleff. "Children are vulnerable even if parents do everything right." …The Identity thieves allegedly used the young victim's social security numbers to get jobs….

There is irrefutable proof that shows states that grant instate tuition to the children of aliens are creating state sanction ties to the radical separatist student group who calls themselves Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan (MEChA) and they bring the Raza Chicana/o Studies curricula they are teaching.
CBS News - When Tom Horne Arizona’s Superintendent of Public Instruction finally acquired the program materials he requested, they included texts with titles such as Occupied America and The Pedagogy of Oppression. And according to John Ward, a Tucson teacher who saw his U.S. history course co opted by

the Raza Studies department, the Raza Chicana/o Studies curriculum’s focus is “that Mexican-Americans were and continue to be victims of a racist American society driven by the interests of middle and upper-class whites.”
When Ward raised concerns about Raza Chicana/o Studies (which is part of TUSD’s larger Ethnic Studies department) he was, despite being Hispanic himself, called a racist and eventually reassigned to another course. Ward told a reporter from the Arizona Republic that by the time he left the Raza Chicana/o Studies class, he had observed a definite change in the students: “An angry tone. They taught them not to trust their teachers, not to trust the system. They taught them the system wasn’t worth trusting.”
MEChA is still functioning fully funded by the Universities, state Scholarship Funds and grants.

Raza Studies-Chicana/o Studies defy American values.

Students march on State Capitol

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA) - Calpulli Montañas del Norte

University of Utah Chicano Studies Scholarship Fund Accepting Applications for the 2007 – 2008 year

Minutemen say U policy on undocumented immigrants is illegal

According to a Salt Lake Tribune poll released on January 13, 2007, 55 percent of registered voters support repealing in-state tuition. (No Tuition Break for Migrants, Most Say)

Utah’s has a new group to support the unlawful residency of illegal alien in Utah.
Same players repackaged with the help of a U of U professor and MEChA students.