Friday, October 10, 2008

Governors denounce Chaffetz's 'tent cities' idea

PROVO — Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson have distanced themselves from Jason Chaffetz's claim that his idea to detain illegal immigrants in tent cities surrounded by barbed-wire fences came from the Western Governors' Association.
Chaffetz, the Republican nominee for Utah's 3rd District seat in the U.S. House, only regrets using the word "tent."
Chaffetz has been under fire lately for his position that illegal immigrants who have committed crimes should be held in tent cities surrounded by barbed-wire fences. His immigration policy also would detain undocumented immigrants in those facilities if they don't return to their countries of origin.
Chaffetz tied his idea to a proposal by the WGA, which includes Huntsman, who is his former boss, and Richardson.
"What did (Sheriff) Joe Arpaio do in Maricopa County (Arizona)?" Chaffetz said at the state Republican convention. "He put up tents. He put barbed wire around them. Now this isn't some wild Jason Chaffetz plan, this is a concurrent resolution — a joint resolution — between Republican and Democratic governors."
Huntsman, who has endorsed Chaffetz, recently told radio journalist Doug Fabrizio that Chaffetz's suggestion of a tent city was "extreme" and different from the WGA proposal.
"I heard somebody reference the Western Governors' model," Huntsman said on the live broadcast. "I was involved with drafting that with (Arizona Gov.) Janet Napolitano. We talked about a regional correctional facility to handle some of the overload that the states can't handle. Nobody talked about tent cities with barbed-wire fences around (them)."
Richardson, a Democrat, went further.
"Mr. Chaffetz's immigration proposal is offensive and inhumane and should be rejected out of hand," Richardson said. "His statements do nothing more than add more of the same divisive political rhetoric that incites confrontation and does not solve the problem, and is not what the Western Governors' Association supports."
Chaffetz said Thursday his idea is simply a cheaper alternative to the WGA's call for federal correctional facilities in the West.
"We agree on the need and the function if not the form," Chaffetz said. "I recognize the word 'tent' is sensational."
Chaffetz said a company in the 3rd District, Sprung, makes quality tents for the military and correctional facilities that are a far cry from those available at Cabela's. Images of the tents can be found at by clicking on "Industry Gallery" near the bottom of the home page and then clicking on "Correctional Facilities."
"These tents are being used in Idaho, Florida, Texas, Hawaii and even in Washington County," Chaffetz said. "I keep getting tripped up by the word 'tent.' I could do better if I called them eco-friendly, highly portable, innovative structures."
Chaffetz continued Thursday to blame the ongoing controversy on misrepresentations from his Democratic opponent, Bennion Spencer, whose staff sent a letter to the WGA requesting a response to Chaffetz's plan.
Spencer was quoted in an Associated Press story saying that Chaffetz would put people "in a tent city because of their ethnic persuasion."
"I've never taken the position I want to round everybody up based on ethnicity and throw them in a tent city," Chaffetz said. "That's a complete fabrication and a lie. If someone said we should, I'd get whipped up over it, too. That's irresponsible. Fortunately, I've never taken that position."
Spencer continued to say Thursday that Chaffetz's plan is offensive, calling it racial profiling. Now, he said, the issue is helping him raise money. The AP story was published around the country and led to radio appearances by Spencer that he said prompted donations.
"When my financial disclosures come out you'll see donations from Florida, New Jersey, Missouri," Spencer said. "People have heard me on the radio, and they're sickened by his immigration position. They go online and give me money. They go, 'Stop the Nazi.'"

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